
[Lawn Care Tips] [Sir Walter] Couch v Sir Walter Buffalo

2010-08-10 123 Dailymotion


In this video I have filmed a customer's front lawn and nature strip...for the rest of the video explanation go to http://www.LawnGreen.com.au/Sir_Walter_Buffalo_Versus_Couch

An easy way to look after your lawn - hop over to http://www.LawnGreen.com.au/ and register for "The 5 Secrets To A Great Looking Lawn" - or call Lawn Green on 1300 55 74 72 for a Free Quote for a Lush Green Weed Free Lawn (shot with Kodak Zi8 Pocket Video)

Gerry Faehrmann
CEO and Lawn Expert
Lawn Green Pty Ltd
7 Elliott Place
Cherrybrook NSW 2126 Australia
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